Advertise With WSLHA
WSLHA can put your company and services front and center with hundreds of certified audiologists and speech-language pathologists in the in the medium of your choice. If you are interested in advertising with WSLHA, please review our advertising information below, then fill contact our office at: Please note that only credit card payments are accepted.
Job Board, Email Announcements & Event Postings
Email Announcement
Email blasts to the WSLHA membership are available for a fee of $75 with pre-approval. Please email your announcement as a Word document.
Job Posting
There is a $75 fee to post to the WSLHA Job Board. Posted positions will remain on the site for three months. Please allow 1-2 business days before the position is posted to the website. Please note, payment must be received before the job can be posted. Once you have completed your payment, please email your job posting to
Event Posting
There is a $75 fee to post to the WSLHA Event Calendar. Events will not be posted if they conflict with WSLHA events. Please allow 1-2 business days before the position is posted to the website. Please note, payment must be received before the event can be posted. Once you have completed your payment, please email your posting to