Opportunities for Participation
WSLHA welcomes participation in the many and varied activities available to members. If you wish to participate in any of the following opportunities, please contact the office for more information.
Chair and/or serve on Committees
Serve on the Executive Board of Directors
Volunteer to help with workshops and event
Become involved in in-service programming for your region
Help with public information campaigns
Help with legislative activities
Oversee publication of all association publications
Website: maintenance of the website with updated and relevant material
Public Relations
Continuing Education
Organize short courses and manage continuing education credit
Preparation, distribution, and collection of election materials
Recruitment of new members, development of retention programs to expand the voice and advance the mission of WSLHA
Honors & Awards
Receipt and review for Honors of the Association, Clinical Achievement and other awards deemed appropriate
Bylaws, Standards & Ethics
Regular review of bylaws to determine the need for modification and drafting of amendments; interpretation and investigation of violations of Codes of Ethics; advising the Executive Board of Directors on appropriate actions
Education / School Practice
Monitoring of policies that may affect higher education and public school speech and hearing personnel, including certification standards; liaison with other associations
Clinical Practice
Monitoring of federal and state policies that may affect delivery of speech, language and hearing services in private practice, hospital and rehabilitation settings, providing the membership with information about service changes; promotion of public awareness
Advocacy / Legislative
Creation and maintenance of communication networks bringing governmental and legislative information to members, and bringing members concerns to elected representatives