/WSLHA Members,
I want to begin by thanking you for your WSLHA membership! It is an honor for me to serve in the role as your President for the start of this new decade. I am looking forward to listening, learning, and leading with you.
I am also excited to announce that WSLHA filled all 2020 Board positions with passionate and enthusiastic members who are ready to pursue the interests of our members. For several years, past Board members have had to make challenging decisions in order to keep WSLHA viable, and as a result, WSLHA continues to survive. As membership acquisition and retention proved to be a challenge to sustain and revitalize, our Membership Committee shared new ideas to strengthen our membership for this new year which we will pursue. In addition, access to information had been a recurring need from previous surveys, and we will continue to try to meet this need by the following:
President’s Corner for quarterly updates
ASHA-WSLHA Liaison (SEAL, StAMP, STAR) summaries of pertinent information three times a calendar year
Current list of leadership, committee, and task force members
Total number of current WSLHA Members
Board Meeting Minutes
Please consider sharing your voice, time, and energy to assist your fellow Washington speech-language and hearing colleagues. If there is an increase in WSLHA membership and leadership, we will reap more benefits such as a future convention (i.e. we need a convention committee, a significant increase in WSLHA membership, financial vitality, and at least a year for planning, wide range of potential speakers). I am looking forward to this year and further growth and evolution of WSLHA!
Please peruse the following to share with and recruit WSLHA members: About WSLHA:
Our mission: “…to act as the primary resource and advocate for its members and those they serve through legislation, continuing education, collaboration, professional endeavors and publications.”
Current Liaisons, Committees, and Task Forces: ASHA State Advocates for Reimbursement (STAR),
ASHA State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEAL), Bylaws/Standards/Ethics, Clinical Practice,
Communications, Continuing Education, Investigate Future Convention Feasibility, Membership,
Nominations, SLP/ABA, Therapist Pay Equity
Established 1/1/1960. WSLHA turned 60 years old this year!
About Me:
WSLHA member since 1993
WSLHA Chair of Clinical Practice Committee 2009-2017
WSLHA Clinical SLP Board Member 2017-2019
Practicing SLP in pediatrics since January 1999, currently employed by UW Medicine Valley
Medical Center outpatient pediatric clinic (birth to 19 years of age), and part-time pediatric private practice
Enjoy hiking, backpacking, mountain climbing and gardening
About You/Members:
Access to online resources
Network with WA state colleagues with WSLHA member directory
Acquire reduced registration fees for ASHA CEUs
Apply for scholarships, honors, and awards
Participate in leadership opportunities
Present your information/work/research
Connect to lobbyist, Melissa Johnson in Olympia, advising and networking with your legislators
Share your voice at the local state level
Collaborate in committees and task forces
2020 Priority Goals:
Increase membership for improved member benefits (e.g. future WSLHA convention, more speakers, etc.)
Improve access to information
Please Contact Us For:
Leadership, teaming, and networking opportunities with your WA state colleagues
Nichie Lessard, MS, CCC-SLP/L Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist
WSLHA 2020 President