Speech Language Pathology Advisory Council : Call for Peer Review: SLP Certification Standards - Telepractice and Telesupervision for Graduate Student Clinicians and Clinical Fellows
/The Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC), which governs ASHA's certification program, receives an increase in requests for the expanded use of telepractice and telesupervision every year. As a result, the CFCC formed an Ad-Hoc Committee on the use of telepractice and telesupervision with graduate SLP student clinicians and Clinical Fellows. The committee was comprised of members of the CFCC, experts in the field of telehealth, and members of SIG 18 - TELEPRACTICE. The committee submitted several recommendations to the CFCC for the use of telepractice and telesupervision which were developed to fit current practice and education models.
The CFCC is conducting a peer review of the proposed recommendations that may be used to outline the parameters of the use of telepractice and telesupervision with graduate student clinicians and Clinical Fellows for the purposes of ASHA Certification. Your assistance is requested because your experience and perspective are very valuable to the CFCC.
This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We ask that you complete this survey no later than March 25, 2020. The CFCC will review and consider each survey and comment received, and will use the results of this survey to consider changes to the 2020 Standards regarding acceptable use of telepractice and telesupervision for the purposes of ASHA Certification. We suggest printing the "Potential Guidelines Established by the CFCC" to have it available to refer to as you complete this survey.
We encourage you to please share this link with your colleagues.
Thank you for taking the time to review and provide your comments. Please direct any questions to Gretchen Ehret, ASHA's Associate Director of Certification Programs, at gehret@asha.org.
Jo Puntil, CFCC Chair
Barbara Rodriguez, CFCC Vice Chair for Speech-Language Pathology