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Treatment Strategies for the Improvement of Oral, Pharyngeal, Feeding/Swallowing, and Respiratory Coordination Function: The Child with Neuromuscular Involvement

Cost: $369
CEU Credits Offered: 1.3

About the Course:

This course delivers clinically relevant assessment and treatment strategies for infants and children with neuromuscular impairments and challenges to their oral, pharyngeal, feeding/swallowing and respiratory function. Special emphasis is on postural alignment and control as well as on sensory factors that can influence a child’s feeding and swallowing. Effective treatment strategies to improve cheeks/lips, tongue, jaw, pharyngeal and rib cage function will be highlighted. Participants will engage in extensive clinical problem-solving via group case analysis and patient demonstration sessions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Clinically assess oral, pharyngeal, feeding/swallowing and respiratory coordination function in infants and young children.

  • Detail the essential components of comprehensive intervention programming for young children with neuromuscular involvement.

  • Implement effective body alignment/positioning for the modification of
    oral, pharyngeal, and respiratory function in intervention programming.

  • Perform treatment strategies to improve the function of the cheeks/lips,
    tongue, and jaw in children with neuromuscular involvement.


Professionals who have a foundation of knowledge in the components of typical and atypical oral, pharyngeal, feeding/swallowing, respiratory, and general movement development. Participants should have practical experience in providing assessment and treatment services for infants and children with neuromuscular involvement who exhibit problems in oral motor, oral sensory, pharyngeal, feeding, swallowing, phonatory, and respiratory coordination function.