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“Making Sense of Sensory Processing and Autism" Webinar

About the Webinar:

Cost: $25 for professionals who want to apply for ASHA CEUs (speech language pathologists) | $10 for all other attendees

(You are encouraged to attend both days, although the content is arranged so that 1-day attendance is possible. The price is a flat fee for both days)

The brain’s job is to keep us alive, to keep us safe from harm. Safety is an essential need. How the brain takes in, processes, and decides what to do with the sensory information coming from inside and outside of the body largely influences how safe one feels in their mind, body, environment, and interactions with others. Life is a sensory experience; everything we do is sensory. Without adequate support dysfunction or differences in sensory processing can negatively impact every aspect of an individual’s life as well as lead to a perpetual state of fight, flight, or freeze. Research indicates that up to 90% of autistic individuals experience differences and/or dysfunction with sensory processing. Many autistics report their sensory difficulties are so significant that when left unsupported has led to a trauma response. Furthermore, research has found similarities between the brains of an autistic person and a person who experienced significant trauma. It is essential for providers who work with autistic clients to understand sensory processing and how to support those wit:h sensory differences and dysfunctions. During this training, Kim, an autistic occupational therapist shares her inner experiences and professional expertise as she teaches the basics about sensory processing before going in depth about the daily challenges sensory processing differences and dysfunctions can have for autistic individuals. Evidence-based strategies to address sensory challenges across multiple contexts will also be shared.

About the Presenter:

Kim Clairy-Miller, OTR/L

Kim is an autistic occupational therapist, international speaker, consultant, author, and self-advocate. Diagnosed with autism as an adult, Kim broke through many barriers as she defied a healthcare system that said, “your autism is severe; you need to live in a nursing home.” Her difficult healthcare experiences forged a passion for educating others on autism with the hope of giving insight into the inner world of autism. Using personal and professional experiences Kim educates on many facets of autism across the lifespan including eating disorders, trauma, mental health, relationships, self-awareness, classroom inclusion, community integration, problem-solving through challenging behaviors, and much more!

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain the 3 types of sensory processing dysfunction.

  2. Describe the 8 senses and how they can be impacted by sensory processing differences and dysfunction.

  3. List the impacts on mental health and daily life functioning that sensory processing differences and dysfunction can have on autistic individuals.

  4. Identify the signs and symptoms that can point to an underlying sensory processing dysfunction.

  5. Select strategies to implement with clients to help with sensory processing dysfunction and differences.

CEU Information:

.4 ASHA CEUs pending for full attendance for the two days for speech language pathologists

Introductory Level Course